
UI for managing CA certificate authority PKI GUI openssl EAP radius wifi

Python CA Manager

This simple, ready to use tool, helps you manage your own CA. It`s based on curses library and use python3. "" leads you through init procedure if you run it for a first time. Then will serve as a CA manager.

Try it without installation with VirtualBox instance!!!

Downaload any user and password - ubuntu


  1. openssl
  2. python3


[ CA_default ]
new_certs_dir= $dir/signed_certs


I use "" for radius and EAP. "" perform only manager actions but has hook functionality. Here are three of them: 1) "new.hook" is called after cert signing. It accepts three arguments CN(commcon name), email and days 2) "revoke.hook" is called after cert revoking. It accepts three arguments cert file name, CN and email 3) "crl.hook" is called after generating CRL. No arguments are avaliable for this hook You can use "crl.hook", for example, to transfer CRL to radius server.

SCP=`which scp`  
SSH=`which ssh`  
! /bin/cat $PKI_ROOT/cacert.pem $PKI_ROOT/crl.pem > $PKI_ROOT/cacrlcert.pem && exit 1  
if [[ -e $PKI_ROOT/cacrlcert.pem ]]; then  
       $SCP $PKI_ROOT/cacrlcert.pem radius_admin@ #transfering crl to radius  
       $SSH radadm@freeradius /home/radius_admin/ #restart radius  

Pay attention to $PKI_ROOT environment variable. It must be set to the folder where CA files are located, where you are going to store all neccessary files in particular self-signed cert, index.txt etc.

"" file.

All actions with certs require entering passwords and other information. "" contains information neccessary for creating cert request. " init" will create template: /OU=smth/O=Example Corp/C=SM/ST=Anything/L=My_place

CN: CommonName (mandatory)
OU: OrganizationalUnit (can be empty. you can delete it from "" if you want)
O: Organization (mandatory)
L: Locality (mandatory)
S: StateOrProvinceName (mandatory)
C: CountryName (mandatory)

Keep in mind if you have problem with 1. PKI_ROOT must be equal to [ CA_default ] dir= in openssl.conf. Try to keep them equal when you edit any of this pathes 1. A first line of hook file must be the path to the relevant shell (for example #!/bin/bash) 1. After initialization put openssl.conf file in PKI_ROOT folder


main screen

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